Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fall Fun!!!

Haven't recorded anything in awhile because I got lazy about it. Since my last post, Halloween came and went and thanksgiving as well. Its only a few days until Christmas and we still haven't had our picture taken with Santa. Harvey and Penny cat are both doing well. Harvey is completing Advanced Training at Petsmart today and if he passes the 3 minute stay he qualifies to take the Canine Good Citizenship test. This will qualify him to start therapy dog training if we want to pursue that path. We are very proud of him! Penny cat is doing well and loves to play at night all over the house and sleep next to Harvey on the couch when we are gone. Whenever one of us is gone they both sit at the top of the stairs in the afternoon to wait for us. They are really good friends and get along so well. She keeps Harvey in line!!

Harvey enjoying the property

Wet from swimming

Harvey looks like a giant muskrat or beaver swimming

Harvey anxiously waiting to see if he won the Halloween costume contest....He didn't :(

Tyler's Birthday!
Tyler just completed his first semester at University of Texas at Dallas after transferring from the community college. He has decided to pursue Electrical engineering and is excited to start classes again on January 10th.
As for me, I was recently in the Dallas Morning News with a picture of myself with a picture for an article about the hospital I work for Parkland's Kidney Transplant Program. It was for the most part a positive article for us. Tyler and I are headed to visit St. Louis for Christmas and to celebrate Ruben's 3rd birthday on the 20th.

Otherwise, we are just working and having fun with our pets. I hope to post more in the next few weeks about our Holidays!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1 month

Tyler and I have been married for a little over a month now and are adjusting well. We are both busy with school, work, and our jobs. Harvey is still in his advanced training course which is held every saturday. The past few weeks we have been taking him out to the dog park for exercise at night.
 I am going out of town to go to Rita's Baby shower in Granite city this coming weekend.  The following weekend is Leigh's wedding so I will be gone for that as well. Two weekends after that I am headed to Nashville for a transplant nurse practitioner's symposium that I have been waiting all year to go to and am excited to attend. Lots of travel which I am not really looking forward to since I like to just be at home.  We really haven't done much since the wedding besides have Tyler's birthday. And we really didn't do anything for that except by a cheesecake for his cake and I baked a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for his real birthday.
My back has been hurting a lot since about last thursday. I can't explain why it is hurting and maybe think its due to a combination of poor sitting posture at work to stress, and possibly just being overweight. I am headed to the doctor's after work to see what she can do for me about this pain.  Otherwise, I am doing well. That's about it for now.
I do realize that the above picture has nothing to do with the post but I like this picture.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm married!!!

I finally have the chance to write a post about the recent events.  Tyler and I were married on August 14th at 2:30pm in the St. Louis Temple. It was such a beautiful ceremony and we were lucky to have the people we love be there with us to witness our sealing. Only a couple funny things to mention about the events prior, Tyler forgot to shave in all the excitement so we had to procure his dads electric razor 10 minutes before the sealing. I was so hot in my dress I thought I was going to pass out and had to have a drink of water before proceeding cause I was getting all nervous and anxious about passing out cause I was so hot. Other than those two things, it all went well.  We were greeted outside by everyone and we then had dozens of pictures taken.
 After all the pictures were taken about 4:45pm we managed to head to reception site which was at the 9th street abbey in Soulard. We had a great time visiting with all our family and friends and had a delicious meal of either chicken saltimbocca or chili rubbed porkchops.  We had cesear salad and for dessert delicious lemon wedding cake and raspberry cake along with chocolate cake. The grooms cake was all chocolate with two strawberries as a groom and bride.  To accompany the wedding cake, we also had Ted Drewe's Frozen custard station with a ton of toppings to choose from.  We had a wonderful guitarist who played throughout the event and we had our first dance to "Making Memories of Us" by Keith Urban.  After all the goodbyes at around 9pm, we took more pictures and finally left for the Hilton Homewood Suites where we were greeted with Sparkling peach drink, brownie bites, petit four carrot cake, keylime pie, apple streudel bites. My sister Katherine did a wonderful job! The next morning we headed over to my mom and dads and spent the afternoon with them before having my mom and brother drop us off at the airport to head off to our honeymoon in Florida.
We are happy to be home now and enjoying being together and setting up our house though that really means finding a place for Tyler's stuff!  We went to our church for the first time today and we were warmly greeted and everyone seems to be really nice. Overall, this whole wedding experience was very good and though I would never want to do it again I am glad that it is finally over.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wedding Week

So, my wedding is now in three days and everything seems to going well. I have come to the conclusion that something won't go well and to just go with it and not get worked up about it.  Tyler and I went and got our marriage license on Monday and paid the photographer our last payment.  Otherwise we are just hanging out here in IL with my family enjoying their company. Tyler and I went to Cahokia mounds yesterday. It is a national historic site that is about 10 miles from my house. It is an area with large mounds of dirt build by people over a 1000 years ago. We were able to go to the museum and watch the movie, walk around the exhibits and at the end we walked up Monks Mound which is 100ft tall and has over 100 steps to climb. We had a great time and I loved showing him the place since it was a very frequented field trip spot when I was growing up. Though walking through the museum there were only 3 new exhibits.
Anyway, not much else to report. Just hanging out until the big day.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wedding Plans

I have to admit once again that I am horrible at keeping up with a blog. I like to read other people's and get upset when they don't update them and then I think of mine and feel bad.  With only 33 more days to go, all of the wedding plans are finally coming together. The dress is altered and ready to wear, the cake is ordered, flowers are picked out and ordered and wedding rings have been purchased. Tyler's came in already but mine is yet to be completed.  The menu and reception site are done and invitations were sent two weeks ago so if you haven't gotten one then you aren't invited. So far I have only received two can't make it's and all the rest are going to be there. Deciding on who to invite to this wedding was hard and in the end I just had to make some difficult choices.  I hope everyone understands.  I wanted to keep this wedding small, intimate and celebrate with the people whom I care about and have kept in close contact with me during the years.
In other news, we have decided on where we are going for our honeymoon. ..........FLORIDA!!!! Yes, that's right. In the end, I really just want to go to the beach and swim in an ocean and go fishing so this was cheap and since the oil spill tickets are affordable. I am super excited to go and hope to make a detour to Disney World for a couple of days.
So, with only a month away till the big day I will make some concluding thoughts about my reign as a single lady in my twenties.  It was the best and I wouldn't change any of it for the world!!! I am so happy that I was able to experience everything that I did and become the person who I am today. Thinking back to all the dumb guys that I thought would be great to be married to back when I was 21 and 22 yrs old I now can see that I would have never tapped into my true potential.  Moving to Seattle and going to graduate school at 25 yrs old was a huge turning point in my life. I was living over a thousand miles away from anyone I knew and studying to become something that many my age aren't even considering.  I made some great friends and many memories in Seattle and gained confidence in myself that I would have never had if I had married at such a young age. Looking back on my twenties I can say without a doubt that I have no regrets.  Besides, had I not moved to Seattle I would have never met Tyler. He is my best friend and I wouldn't change that for anything. Now that I am 29 I am now ready to be married and ready to allow someone else in my life. Though I believe I have integrated him into my life over the past two and half years and am now ready to go all the way.  I am excitedly looking forward to this new phase in my life and I know that it will be hard and that there will be many challenges but at least this time I won't be going in alone. I will have Tyler and all of my experience from my twenties to draw from to overcome anything.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm Engaged!

For those who don't know Tyler and I are engaged! He proposed to me on Friday April 16th. I have a beautiful, gorgeous ring and a very handsome fiance.  We have been dating for 2.5yrs now and will be getting married on August 14, 2010 in St. Louis Missouri. We are both very excited!